Server finger print

Server Certificate Fingerprints

When connecting to CS servers for the first time using an SSH client, you may be prompted to save the server’s identity information for future connections. Depending on the protocol negotiated between your client and the server, the key could be either RSA or ECDSA (on newer servers).

LinProg Fingerprints

  • RSA: ee:65:3a:71:de:be:11:11:64:ed:c3:8b:ba:0f:ba:08
  • ECDSA: 33:da:09:86:6b:ca:67:29:84:48:b5:9d:a8:3f:6b:fd

Program Fingerprint

  • RSA: e4:00:f5:9f:25:65:fa:a3:f1:37:e0:26:58:c3:3e:96

Shell Fingerprint

  • RSA: 63:60:9e:bf:ac:b6:51:2e:b5:6f:7a:6b:7f:24:83:df

Diablo Fingerprint

  • RSA: a6:8a:39:f9:8a:d6:a1:a1:c3:9f:53:3a:6c:28:bd:3a

WWW Fingerprint

  • RSA: e9:77:aa:36:09:97:1b:95:14:d4:d2:4b:fc:20:47:ae

WW2 Fingerprint

  • RSA: f7:d1:57:00:e8:19:73:a3:bb:21:24:7c:de:12:07:91