If you are prompted for password repeatedly even you can ssh into linprog using Tectia, do a password reset by running ‘passwd’ on shell.cs.fsu.edu using Tectia.
- If your VSCode suddenly stopped ssh to linprog, then try the following method:
Use either Tectia (on Windows) or a Terminal (on Mac) and SSH connection to linprog using your CS account.
Once you sign in, run the command:
mv $HOME/.vscode-server $HOME/.vscode-server-bad
Now, go back to VSCode and ssh to linprog again. It will take a few minutes for vscode to install the required components on linprog (longer if your home network is slow).
- VScode SSH config example
Do not connect to shell.cs.fsu.edu.
Host linprog
HostName linprog.cs.fsu.edu
User yourcsusername
MACs hmac-sha2-256
(replace yourcsusername with your real CS username)